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seed oyster การใช้

  • See Oyster card for the gory details .-- Robert Merkel 12 : 59, 11 September 2006 ( UTC)
  • In one method the spat or seed oysters are distributed over existing oyster beds and left to mature naturally.
  • Infested seed oysters should not be planted in oyster beds, and in disease-ridden areas the oysters should be removed and the site allowed to lie fallow to reduce the protist load.
  • Recreational and commercial fin fishing in the river and in Delaware Bay continues, as well as a limited version of oyster farming, which involves planting seed oysters and harvesting them when they mature.
  • The Hog Island farmers employ the French growing method, first putting the tiny seed oysters purchased from hatcheries in Maine and on Puget Sound in nursery cages of extruded plastic mesh anchored to the trestles.
  • A few of them were adapted for use in the Chesapeake Bay Menhaden fishery during the 1970s and 80s but have since been retired, and some were used to haul seed oysters to replenish oyster reefs in Virginia and Maryland into the early 2000s.